Consecration Vows Are
Spiritually Binding Agreements

Since the dawn of creation, Satan has been alluring humanity into making spiritual binding agreements with his vast army of fallen angels for the purpose of acquiring as many souls as possible. The simplest form of an agreement with evil comes from a person's own sin. When a man sins, he is saying no to God's will and yes to some kind of evil desire. Another type of agreement is when a person makes a direct vow with the spiritual realm by selling his or her soul in exchange for some kind of benefit.

A good example of the way Satan desires to make spiritually binding agreements with God's children comes from Sacred Scripture. In the Gospel of Luke, after Jesus fasted forty days and nights in the wilderness, the devil showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. The devil said to Jesus, "To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours."1

Although Jesus did not accept the devil's offer, it has not prevented Satan from making the same offer to other people throughout the centuries. A good example of this comes from the Black Witch Coven's website under a section entitled, "How to Sell Your Soul or Make a Pact with a Demon." According to this website, a "Pact can be oral or written. An oral pact is made by means of invocations, conjurations, or rituals to attract the demon; once the conjurer thinks the demon is present, he or she asks for the wanted favor and offers his or her soul in exchange."

Because most Catholics would never consider selling their souls to Satan or any other unknown entity's possession and power, the devil and his vast army of fallen angels would need to find a more subtle approach. Although it is true the Blessed Mother can appear to humanity with messages from heaven, it is also true that demonic spirits can impersonate the Blessed Mother and appear to humanity with their own messages. It is for this reason the Catholic Church conducts serious investigations into all apparition sites to make sure the messages are coming from God.

Because the Catholic Church has investigated and determined the following apparition sites are under demonic influence, when Catholics sell their souls into these entities' possession and power, they are actually making agreement with fallen angels. Once a demonic entity has been granted the legal rights to enter a person's life, all kinds of disastrous results will occur, including attacks on that person's health, accidents, and separation from the Church's guidance.

When demonic entities have been given the right to access a person's family linage, (through Freemasonry vows or when parents consecrate their children's souls to the Immaculata), disastrous results can occur in the form of addictions, divorce, criminal activity, health problems, and financial hardships for their children.

Examples of false apparition sites (that have been condemned by the Catholic Church) in which spiritual entities have been making requests for their followers to sell their souls into their possession and power are as follows:

Vassula Ryden — True Life in God

On January 25, 2007, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a negative decree condemning Vassula Ryden's True Life in God messages, writings, and prayer groups. A copy of the condemnation can be viewed at Vassula Ryden - True Life in God.

According to Vassula Ryden's website, one day a spiritual entity manifested itself by moving Vassula's hand without her being able to control it, forming words and drawings. By this means, Vassula started to receive "messages" for about four to six hours a day.2

On April 9, 1998, this entity gave Vassula a message saying, "You are, My Vassula, consecrated to Me, and you have signed your consecration to Me with your own blood." To help explain the meaning of this message to her followers, Vassula stated, "I had pricked my finger and signed then with my own blood the consecration to become the Slave of our Blessed Mother."3

Our Lady of Naju — Julia Kim

Another example that reveals how demonic entities have a desire to have their followers consecrate themselves into their possession and power comes from the life of Julia Kim. On January 1, 1998, Archbishop Victorinus Kong-Hee Youn issued a negative decree condemning Julia Kim's apparition site and messages. Archbishop Youn's statement can be viewed at Julia Kim - Mary's Ark of Salvation.

According to Our Lady of Naju's website, the entity that has been appearing to Julia Kim has been making the following request from her followers, "It is time to consecrate yourselves to me. Why do you hesitate again and again?"4

Because this apparition site has been carefully examined and condemned by the Catholic Church, it is safe to conclude that the spiritual entities making these requests are not coming from God.

Our Lady of Emmitsburg — Gianna Talone-Sullivan

If the devil were to appear at a false apparition site in the form of a raging monster and suggest that everyone sell their souls into his possession and property, no one would obey. Everyone would flee for their lives. In order for the devil to deceive as many people as possible, he needs to disguise his true identity and appear in the form of an "angel of light," or one of the saints, or even as the Blessed Mother.

On June 2, 1994, an entity appearing under the title of Our Lady of Emmitsburg said to seer Gianna Talone-Sullivan, "Please, little ones, I can no longer hold back the hand of my Son from the sorrow incurred on His Sacred Heart. My little ones, you must dive into my most Immaculate Heart immediately! I wish for you all to be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart and to be safe and free!"5

On June 7, 2003, the Archbishop of Baltimore, William H. Keeler, issued a negative decree condemning Gianna Talone-Sullivan's apparition sites, messages, and prayer meetings. After careful review, the Catholic Church concluded the message and requests for consecration were not coming from God. Archbishop Keeler's decree of constat de non supernaturalitate can be viewed at Gianna Talone-Sullivan - Our Lady of Emmitsburg.

William Kamm — Saint Charbel Community

According to another condemned apparition site, the seer William Kamm from the Saint Charbel Community's website states that all members of their community consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every day. At the community's midday prayers, the consecration vows are renewed by all the members using the Saint Louis de Montfort formula.6

William Kamm is currently serving a ten-year prison sentence for having sexual relations with a fifteen-year-old girl after the Blessed Mother allegedly gave him permission to make her one of his twelve queens and seventy-two princesses needed to spawn a new human race. Apparently, the Virgin Mary also gave permission to the young girl to have an "intimate union" with Kamm after he appointed her as one of his queens.7

In June 2003, the Bishop of Wollongong, Peter W. Ingham, issued a decree of excommunication for Reverend Malcolm Broussard, William Kamm, and all other members associated with the Saint Charbel Community. A copy of the Bishop's decree can be viewed at William Kamm - The Little Pebble.


For more information on how Satan can operate under any religious-sounding name or title he wants, please continue to the next section: Satan Can Operate Under the Names Queen of Heaven and Immaculata.



Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition copyright © 1993 and 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

  1. Luke 4:6–7.
  2. True Life of God apparition site review:
    For more information on why techniques like automatic writing have been condemned by the Catholic Church, please visit:
  3. Message dated April 9, 1998, from the True Life in God website: For more information on Vassula Ryden's messages, please visit:
  4. Message dated October 23, 1986, from the Naju Mary website: For more information on Julia Kim's messages please visit:
  5. Public message to the world from Our Lady of Emmitsburg through Gianna Sullivan dated June 02, 1994, from the Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary website: For more information on Gianna Sullivan's messages, please visit:
  6. Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary from the Saint Charbel website:
  7. St. Charbel Community — William Kamm site review: